Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Quest For Creativity

For the past few years I must admit I have been feeling very uninspired- which may account for most of my lack of productivity- and it's safe to say 80% of it has to do with my recently aquired "grown-up" routine. Unless you have a job where you can use all the artistic cells in your body -or just one you are extremely passionate about- we can all agree the typical 9-5 daily commute isn't the most inspiritational way to live life. As a self-proclaimed lover of art, I am taking on the challenge to make this year the most creative yet. Unfortunately, it seems I wasn't gifted with any specific artistic talent (except for my ability to be relentlessly passionate about it), but the idea is to do something I love every single day. So here goes day n.1...

A beautiful poem recited by the great poet himself.

If you haven't heard of him, you are welcome.

Grow up with me.

Let’s run in fields and fear the dark together.
Fall off swings, and burn special things,
and both play outside in bad weather.

Let’s eat badly.
Let’s watch adults drink wine and laugh at their idiocy.
Let’s sit in the back of the car,
making eye contact with strangers driving past,
making them uncomfortable.

Not caring.
Not swearing.
Don’t fuck.

Let’s both reclaim our superpowers;
the ones we all have and lose with our milk teeth.
The ability not to fear social awkwardness.
To panic when locked in the cellar;
still sure there’s something down there.
And while picking from pillows each feather,
let’s both stay away from the edge of the bed,
forcing us closer together.

Let’s sit in public, with ice cream all over both our faces;
sticking our tongues out at passers by.
Let’s cry.
Let’s swim.
Let’s everything.

Let’s not find it funny lest someone falls over.
Classical music is boring.
Poetry baffles us both;
there’s nothing that’s said is what’s meant.
Plays are long, tiresome sullen, and filled;
with hours that could be spent rolling down hills,
and grazing our knees on cement.

Let’s hear stories and both lose our innocence.
Learn about parents and forgiveness,
death and morality,
kindness and art,
thus losing both of our innocent hearts,
but at least we won’t do it apart.

Grow up with me.
Keaton Henson
Grow Up With Me

Thursday, January 30, 2014


If you must wait,
Wait for them here in my arms as I shake
If you must weep,
Do it right here in my bed as I sleep
If you must mourn, my love
Mourn with the moon and the stars up above
If you must mourn,
Don't do it alone

If you must leave,
Leave as though fire burns under your feet
If you must speak,
Speak every word as though it were unique
If you must die, sweetheart
Die knowing your life was my life's best part
And if you must die,
Remember your life

You are
You are
Oh, you are
You are

If you must fight,
Fight with yourself and your thoughts in the night
If you must work,
Work to leave some part of you on this earth
If you must live, darling one,

Just live
Just live
Just live

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


2013 was an ok year.
It wasn't good, but at least it wasn't bad.

Call me crazy, but I like things to be jumping up and down, laughing until you cry GREAT or crying on the floor terrible.
Emotional rollercoasters and adventures!
That's what makes things worth remembering!

2013 was an OK year...

On an effort to awaken my soul after a very mind-numbing year, I decided to go on an Eurotrip with my favorite all-time companion....myself. (If you could hear the absurd conversations that we have, you wouldn't be surprised.)

Gotta say it was the greatest thing that I have ever experienced and though I'd like to make a more insightful blogpost on what it's been like, words cannot begin to describe all the things I've seen and people I've met. (I'm sure the jet-lag has a lot to do with it as well)

I will attempt writing about it in more detail but for now, here are the best shots I took with my Nikon D3200.

Nice sunrise

Lyon - Chateau du Fontanger


Eiffel Tower- Paris

Florence statue 


Last day of London and I was blessed with the most enchanting sunset from Millenium Bridge.



View from Mt. Pilatus

The Swiss Alps

Venetian Masks